Join our Apple TestFlight

Help us explore social navigation with your classmates, friends, and colleagues

CanWe Guides share their Community Compass link to help introduce a group's hidden social potential

1)   Install TestFlight & CanWe 

2)  Join our  CanWe Testing Compass here!

3)  Test social navigation in your communities!


(check back here for specific updates)

1)   Install our app from TestFlight and create your CanWe account
(FYI, your username will be a "social ambassador" to the world!)

2)   Create a Community Compass

3)   Share the Compass link with a group you want to socially energize 

4)  Tell us what you want next!  Contact us

We're hard at work!  Expect a few bugs and dead-ends exploring the frontier  🙃

KNOWN APP ISSUES  (as of early February 2024)

Link sharing only after through Apple TestFlight has been installed

Compass setup needs to be smoother

Add more helper text

What do people say about CanWe?

Sample what our early beta testers have to say about our various demos…

“Helped me connect on a deeper level that might have been difficult on my own.”

“CanWe cuts through a lot of the crap, which is great” 

The value is being able to get to know someone that you don’t know, [and] help you see past your narrow-mindedness. I’m open-minded, but had a unique situation using the app when I realized I had a narrow mind. CanWe helped me to look at things differently and learn more.”

“CanWe was a great tool to help me figure [to pursue a relationship with this person], even if I wasn’t able to bring all this up on my own.”

“It helped address a lot of important topics, and was helpful for the awkwardness of a first date, it made it easier to connect. The app really exceeded my expectations in terms of content and quality of content.”

“a really really really useful concept where it connects users together...all praises from me. Using it today was amazing, we really got to know each other a lot better. I'm all for the app and really love the app a lot, it helped me connect a lot better.“